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Viral video shows people vomiting blood, screaming in pain, at an eatery, know more

As many as five people had to be hospitalised after consuming mouth freshener at Gurugram restaurant, as they experienced vomiting and bleeding from the mouth. The incident is said to have taken place at La Forestta Cafe in Sector 90. Gurugram Police files FIR against restaurant owner.

Reports indicated that the victims first began feeling the burning sensation and soon began throwing up. They were later also spotted vomiting blood, as per the viral video doing round on the internet.

The victims who have been identified as Ankit Kumar with wife and friends, are seen in pain and screaming for help, such is the burning sensation that they are feeling.

Read more: https://newsplus21.com/viral-v....ideo-shows-people-vo

Viral video shows people vomiting blood, screaming in pain

Viral video shows people vomiting blood, screaming in pain

Reports indicated that the victims first began feeling the burning sensation and soon began throwing up. They were later also spotted vomiting blood, as per