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Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom 2022-23

Key Imports of the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom import data offers valuable insights into the country's consumption patterns and demand for various products and commodities. In 2022-23, the United Kingdom imported a wide range of goods, including:
1. Precious metals and stones 17.1%
2. Machinery and mechanical appliances 11.1%
3. Vehicles and automotive parts 9.1%
4. Electrical machinery and equipment 8.8%
5. Mineral fuels and oils 5.3%

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Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom 2022-23 by TradeImeX Info Solutions

Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom 2022-23 by TradeImeX Info Solutions

Overview of the United Kingdom's Trade Statistics   The United Kingdom has long been recognized as one of the world's leading trading nations. With its strong economy and favorable busine...