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A Guide to Understanding Clipper Guard Sizes
If you've ever visited a barbershop or salon for a haircut and been asked about your preferred "haircut number," you might have wondered what exactly those numbers mean.
Haircut numbers represent the length of hair that will remain after the barber or hairstylist has used clippers. These numbers are typically associated with clipper guard attachments, which come in various sizes and are used to achieve different hair lengths.
The numbers are based on measurements in inches. For example, a #1 guard attachment will leave hair approximately 1/8 inch long, while a #8 guard attachment will leave hair approximately 1 inch long.
Understanding haircut numbers https://menshaircuts.com/hairc....ut-numbers-hair-clip and clipper guard sizes is essential for effectively communicating your desired hairstyle to your barber or hairstylist. Whether you prefer a super-short buzz cut (#1) or a longer textured style (#5 or higher), knowing the numbers and lengths will help you achieve the look you want.

Haircut Numbers: 2023 Guide To Hair Clipper Sizes

Haircut Numbers: 2023 Guide To Hair Clipper Sizes

Haircut numbers mean the size of clipper guard used to create a haircut. Learn how to convert a haircut number into a guard size here.