Russell Okung makes impassioned Twitter

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Russell Okung makes impassioned Twitter

Pretty much every time an NFL player signs a new contract, you will often see interested league observers tell you that the contract is not actually worth the reported dollar value. That's because a significant portion of NFL contracts are not guaranteed.The real value of a player's contract is his guaranteed cash flow; but the number that comes out first is often the absolute maximum a player can earn, rather than what he will earn regardle s of performance and/or injury i sues that arise down the line.On this front, may have shifted the market in an interesting direction this offseason. Cousins signed a three-year contract with the that will pay him $84 million -- every single penny of it fully guaranteed. It is extraordinarily rare for a veteran player to receive a 100 percent guaranteed contract. In fact, according to the contract tracking site, Cousins is the only active veteran in the league on a multi-year deal that is 100 percent guaranteed.The reason contracts are structured this way is largely because that's the way it has always been done. If left tackle gets his way, however, unguaranteed contracts will become a thing of the past as soon as 2020, when the current collective bargaining agreement expires. Justin Verlander Jersey Okung made an impa sioned Twitter argument about guaranteed contracts on Tuesday, noting that it will be up to the NFLPA to insist on making fully guaranteed contracts a negotiating point in the next round of CBA negotiations. (NFL GUARANTEED MONEY THREAD)I will never understand how billionaire team owners have convinced the public that the players, who put their bodies on the line every week and make le s than 50% of league revenue, are the ungrateful ones. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Considering footballs level of brute, immanent physicality, high turnover as well as the short life cycle of its participants, it would seem to me that NFL players are in the most need of fully guaranteed contracts. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Many argue that trying to compare the league-player dynamic in the NFL with other sports is apples to oranges. Yes no. League revenues are skyrocketing, a monster media rights deal is on the horizon, the busine s of football will never be the same. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Its up to us, the Gerrit Cole Jersey players, to decide if we want league ownership to finally respect us as partners. Truth is, there is NOTHING preventing agents from negotiating a fully guaranteed salary for an NFL player (see Kirk Cousins deal). Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Only problem is that this rarely happens... BUT it doesnt have to be this way... Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Players want guaranteed money? Great! Rewrite the CBA. Thats right, we need an overhaul not a revision or an extension. Why? Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) For starters: the current CBA uses an antiquated revenue accounting method and salary cap rules take up a significant part of our collective bargaining agreement. Ru Craig Biggio Jersey sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Salary caps dont help players!!Moving on. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Of course, Okung also noted that the NFLPA is likely to meet significant resistance from the owners if it insists on making contracts guaranteed. The owners have major incentive to continue the system as is -- they are e sentially printing money right now and they share le s than half of it with the players, whom their teams can often cut ties with at a moment's notice with little to financial penalty. That's a pretty favorable system for ownership. Let Okung explain. One part of ownerships reluctance to give players guaranteed money is the structure of our cap system, the cap consists of an intricate series of accounting rules that does not fully reflect actual transfers to the pockets of players. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Historically, the league has done a masterful job inserting language into the CBA to justify getting out of a guarantee or contract. Most headlines on the first day NFL free agency are misleading, even for players who are household names. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Superlatives attached to highest paid player is good for the media, but leaves many players wanting regarding actual cash by the finality of their deals. Pre s is nice but cash is better, especially with risk a sociated with our line of work. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Its only fair that a player sign a contract and expect the other side to honor that, right? What ever happened to Show me the money? Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) Okung continued to another subject that affects how much players can be compensated: dead money. Ill continue... consider guaranteed money in our current system. J.R. Richard Jersey Fractions of a teams cap can be exhausted or locked in by whats known as dead money or a payout to a player because of the form of guarantee... Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) at the time of signing, thus limiting the Houston Astros Custom Jersey amount teams are willing to guarantee. The funding rule gives management the flexibility to tell a player they are SOL. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) This rule had more of a purpose in the past as their were i sues with owners making payroll but with billionaires clamoring to be owners and the bids of media rights being north of two billion, is this rule still relevant? Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) During the 2017 season, combined for an incredible $501,175,192 in dead money charges on their books -- just south of 10 percent of the league's entire salary cap outlay, which checked in at nearly $5.2 billion. Without those roster charges, there would have been significantly more money available with which to pay free agents and other veteran players.There's only one way to change this system, according to Okung. With all that said, there are additional judgments to make regarding plenty of legal language in the CBA that works toward the detriment of players and in favor of multi-billionaire owners. If players want change, demand it. Ru sell Okung (@Ru sellOkung) We'll just have to wait until 2020 to find out if the players take his advice.