What exactly is slicing in Python?

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A slice object specifies how to slice a sequence. You can define where the slicing should begin and terminate.

As the term implies,'slicing' is taking place.
Slicing syntax is [start: stop: step].
The finishing index, or where to sop, is stop.
step denotes the number of steps to be taken.
The default value for start is zero, stop is the number of items, and step is one.
Strings, arrays, lists, and tuples may all be sliced. Python Training in Nanded

Python function slice()
A slice object specifies how to slice a sequence. You can define where the slicing should begin and terminate. You may optionally define the step, which allows you to slice only the remaining items, for example. Python Course in Nanded

A slice is a segment of the main string. Using the [] operator and index or subscript values, a substring may be extracted from the original text. As a result, [] is sometimes referred to as the slicing operator. We may use the slice operator to extract one or more substrings from the main text. Python Classes in Nanded

The slicing begins at start_pos (included) and finishes with end_pos (excluded). The step argument specifies the steps to be taken from start to finish index. Python string slicing always adheres to the following rule: For each index 'i', s[:i] + s[i:] == s.
