Top ad networks for publishers and bloggers

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Reach your audience with the 7Search PPC best alternative media ads platform & best ad networks for advertisers. we provide media entertainment ads alternative.

Do you want to know which advertising networks are best for bloggers and publishers?

If you wish to adequately monetize your content, an ad network's aid is required to effectively fill your ad inventory and raise your CPMs (the amount you earn per 1,000 visitors). Directly selling entertainment ads to businesses is not a reliable strategy.

As you can expect, there are many networks ready to help you with this. And we've gathered 15 of the best options in one place for bloggers and publishers of all sizes.

These companies could all help you in different ways with content monetization. While some merely offer standard display advertising, others could also suggest paid content, give contextual connections, and do much more.

We have tried to include options that would work for both big publications and tiny blogs, even if some of these entertainment ad networks do have varying minimum traffic requirements.

1. 7Search PPC

The most well-known media ad network is 7Search PPC. They assist you in efficiently promoting your media and entertainment websites. Here are a few advantages of using 7Search PPC to market your entertainment website or company:

appropriate audience

Partnerships with media companies, websites, and applications that primarily serve the entertainment industry exist at 7Search PPC. This implies that visitors who are highly targeted, interested, and likely to be interested in your entertainment site will see your adverts.

sector-specific knowledge

This entertainment ad network is focused on the entertainment industry and is aware of the particular difficulties and needs in advertising entertainment-related services, goods, or events. To help you optimise your campaigns for maximum efficiency, 7Search PPC provides helpful techniques, insights, and best practices.

2. Ezoic

The best advertising choice for the majority of publishers is Ezoic. It's a monetization platform that communicates with top affiliate networks like and AdSense alternative with ease.

Ezoic is distinctive since it is a machine-learning platform powered by AI that was developed to help you increase your advertising income.

Ezoic evaluates various ads, locations, etc. frequently to identify the mixtures that provide the most earnings.

Testing locations may be organized using drag drop. You may then decide on goals and conduct your tests (such as maximizing revenue vs. improving user experience or finding the sweet spot).

You may really connect to some of the other entertainment ppc on this list to test out adverts from different sources.

3. Media. Net

One of the largest networks for Internet contextual advertising is It is therefore one of the most well-known alternatives to Google AdSense, but it also functions admirably as a stand-alone entertainment advertising network for bloggers and publishers.

You can choose to let determine the best sizes for your site on the fly. Text and display ads can both be served up automatically. If this approach appeals to you, also provides a programmable platform that you may use.

4. Monumetric

Monumetric is a publisher-friendly ad network that helps you monetize your website while maintaining a high level of user experience with an entertainment marketing strategy.

You sign up with Monumetric and list the advertising inventory you have available, to put it simply. Then, with the help of Monumetric, the inventory will be filled using the highest CPM bids or PPC ad network for entertainment. If you don't want to feature adverts from a particular company or industry on your website, Monumetric will also make sure that certain information doesn't show up there.

Monumetric requires 10,000 page views each month as a minimum. However, if your site has fewer than 80,000 monthly page views, Monumetric will charge you a one-time setup fee of $99 (this fee is waived if your site receives more than 80,000 monthly page views).

5. AdThrive

An advertising network called AdThrive primarily targets bloggers and publishers in lifestyle fields including parenting, do-it-yourself projects, decorating, home improvement, and food. Although you don't have to fall into one of these categories to join, these are the kind of marketers that will thrive with AdThrive.

AdThrive offers all popular display ad sizes PPC ad network and even guarantees payments, so even if the business isn't paid by an advertiser, they'll still repay you. This is part of their "creator-first" goal.

Because AdThrive is primarily targeted toward US-based visitors, it might not be the best option if you receive a lot of overseas traffic. Additionally, you need to have an Adsense alternative for publisher set up and get at least 100,000 monthly page views in order to be eligible.
