What Are The Five Parts of a Dissertation?

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It contains five major parts, which are the introduction, literature review, methodology, etc.

In order to understand what a dissertation is and how it is structured, you first need to know the five major parts that make up a dissertation. A dissertation is a type of academic writing that is typically much longer than a typical research paper. It contains five major parts, which are the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusions.


In the introduction, the writer often provides a background on what topic they are writing about, who has done research in that area, and what is currently known. This part also generally includes a discussion of how relevant their research is. The introduction often provides background information on the topic, who has done research on it and what is currently known. It often includes an explanation of how the article will be organized and a definition of key terms.

Literature Review

The literature review is where the writer reviews all of the previous literature related to their topic or project. They will analyze what other studies have been done and outline some of their main findings in order to figure out how their study stands out from previous ones. References for this section can include books, journal articles, newspaper articles, and surveys among others. The literature review is an important part of the paper and should be complete in its scope.


The methodology section of a research paper covers the key components of the study: what was done and how it was done. The methods section begins with a brief overview of the study, followed by an explanation of how the data were collected, what analyses were made, and what other sources were consulted. The discussion then moves on to describe the potential limitations of this study, as well as its strengths and shortcomings. The final paragraph of these sections is where conclusions are drawn from all that has been stated thus far.


In this section, the results are presented. Results are not always based on quantitative data, such as averages or percentages. They can also be qualitative, such as describing a personal experience or linking to a supporting source. This section should be organized by topic; for example, if the research paper is focused on developing an assessment of self-care practices and outcomes related to cancer patients' treatment satisfaction and quality of life (QOL), this part of the paper would include findings about cancer patients' experiences with QOL, self-care practices measuring satisfaction with treatment delivery and satisfaction with cancer care overall.


This section summarizes the findings of the research paper and draws conclusions from them. The paper will examine how cancer patient's experiences, satisfaction with care delivery, and QOL are related to self-care practices. This study will also compare these factors in terms of patient age, gender, treatment type (medical oncology vs. surgical oncology), individual's experience with a life-threatening illness, or personal history of cancer (yes/no). Explore whether or not there is a pattern whereby the time to death has an effect on patients' levels of satisfaction and QOL.

Finally, this study will evaluate whether or not the preceding factors are related to cancer patients' self-care practices. The study found that satisfaction and QOL levels are more likely to be high in older patients, those who have had a personal history of cancer, and those who have had a life-threatening illness. Furthermore, this study found that time spent with family members and time spent as an outpatient is related to individuals' satisfaction with care delivery.

A thesis statement is a single sentence that captures the meaning of your entire piece. It is a short, clear sentence that summarizes your main argument with a specific claim. Anexpert assignmenthelp service can be so beneficial for student for getting A+ grades. A good thesis statement has all five parts and it is structured in such a way that one part comes after the other in an orderly manner.
