The fall of El Clsico The fall of El Clsico

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The fall of El Clsico The fall of El Clsico

As I sat here Real Madrid currently lead Barcelona by one goal in the second leg of their Copa Del Rey semi final yet El Clsico no longer leaves footballing aficionados gripped to their television sets in the manner it once did. Now dont get me wrong, Mike Marjama Jersey the large majority of the footballing populous still tunes in to watch the Catalan might of FC Barcelona take on the mercurial traditionalist Real Madrid of Spains capital city but there now seems to be far le s of a neutral interest in this fixture than there was early on in the millennium.Whether or not this is due to the regularity with which these fixtures have cropped up in the European footballing calendar in recent years or the characters that have become involved we cannot be sure but it is certain both have had their individual impacts respectively. In days gone by the Spanish National team has always teetered on the brink of succe s with the talented individuals such as Raul, Morientes, Mendieta, Hierro, Campo and Zubizarreta gracing La Roja with their individual talents and traits to no avail in terms of trophies won.Since Luis Aragones took charge of the National team following Euro 2004 what has now become known as The Golden Generation of Spanish football has matured and found a footballing style which suits thee nimble footed creative players that the country has always produced. The National team since the rise of Barcelona headed Nelson Cruz Jersey by Pep Guardiola and to a certain degree Frank Rijkaard have reached previously unthinkable heights winning two consecutive European championships as well as the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.The Spanish national side that has reached such heights is, as it always has been littered with players from both Real Madrid and Barcelona and in the past it was said that the Spanish compatriots would put any differences they encountered between each other inside the powder keg atmosphere of El Clsico would be forgotten about as soon as the match ended and it would in no way hinder the squad camaraderie within the La Roja setup and this always proved to be the case however the malevolence at which El Clsico is now played it is difficult to see how this can occur. As yet the succe s of the national team has not suffered but it is difficult to say that Sergio Ramos, Sergio Busquets, Pedro and Jordi Alba can all get on handsomely following on from events that in the past two years seem to occur in every Clsico.In the early Millennium El Clsico was an event looked forward to by football as a universe with the talents of Zidane, Figo, Beckham, Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Luis Enrique and others all being on show in the same stadium at the same time. It was the same excitement that surrounded an International tournament all wrapped into one ninety minute footballing festival. Now thirteen years on there is much more football made viewable by the wider world with the influx of online streaming and worldwide television stations and maybe football fans have been spoilt, maybe the vast amounts of world cla s football Art Warren Jersey on offer every weekend has reduced the ardour with which people used to feel for El Clsico as a spectacle.Many will remember the defining moment of El Clsico as a worldwide spectacle being in April of 2005, a 4-2 win for Real Madrid at the Bernabeu with Zinedine Zidane, Raul, Ronaldo and even Michael Owen getting on the score sheet for the Galcticos with Ronaldinho and Etoo registering for Barcelona. The football on display on that evening was sublime, breathtaking in fact, there they were all the stars of European football in once place playing to their maximum ability, it was fantastic, a game that would be talked about for years to come. However fast forward just eight years to 2013 and Clsicos are now being greeted by a significant percentage of footballing fans with derision and widespread annoyance at the acts of petulant diving and di sent. It is from a neutral and a football lovers perspective very hurtful to see one of the biggest matches in world football, steeped in political history greeted in such a way however one can in some ways see where they are coming from.There has always been a sort of edge, a warm intensity between the two clubs which did in fact stem from the political landscape of Spain and Catalonia however since the introduction of Jose Mourinho in 2010 this has e sentially exploded into something more hostile and unpleasant, the rivalry has exceeded what was known before. Even the relatively fierce undertones that Clsicos took on following Luis Figos transfer from Barcelona Edwin Encarnacion Jersey to Real Madrid is nothing compared to the current level of hostility. The footballing rivalry has been distorted into something unrecognizable that has at times cro sed the line.Jose Mourinho has always had unfinished busine s with Barcelona, ever since his time at the club working with Sir Bobby Robson where he became rather le s than endearingly known as The Translator right through until his time at Chelsea where the self proclaimed Special One criticised Barcelona and referee Anders Frisk publically following a European Cup tie between the two clubs. This was compounded further and po sibly even taken to a new level when in 2008 it was announced Frank Rijkaard would not manage Barcelona any further than the end of the 2007-2008 season and there was a vacancy for the role of Manager. Jose Mourinho was interviewed and as mentioned by Graham Hunter in his book Barca: The making of the greatest team in the world prepared a hugely detailed presentation on how he could take Barcelona forward yet Mourinho never felt as if he was truly considered for the post, there was an underlying suspicion within the Los Culs hierarchy that they didnt feel Mourinho had the right personality and temperament for the job.Since this well, rejection Jose Mourinho has appeared at times to be on a one man, Brian Clough esque mi sion to gain the upper hand over Barcelona whenever po sible. This was seen during his final season managing Internazionale Milan when Mourinho rose from his crouched position to an iconic sprint, arms raised acro s the hallowed turf of the Camp Nou to celebrate a victory over the Catalan club. As Mourinho stood arms aloft avoiding the heated advances of Victor Valdes it just screamed Jose Mourinho 1 Barcelona 0. However this was not to be the end of the battle with Mourinho becoming Taylor Guilbeau Jersey manager of Real Madrid just months later.Since then the Clsico has become a much more volatile affair, Pepe stamping on the arm of Lionel Me si, Jose Mourinho himself gouging the eye of the then Barcelona a sistant coach Tito Vilanova and the recurring gamesmanship engulfing the clash to name just three incidents and the worrying thing is that it appears to not be discouraged by the man at the top. Comments made by Jose Mourinho following the European cup semi final Clsico in 2011 suggesting that Barcelona got favourable treatment from