Storrie charged over tax evasion

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Storrie charged over tax evasion

Storrie - Greg Pateryn Women Jersey pictured in happier Portsmouth timesPompey CEO Peter Storrie was charged by City of London Police last night, as they continued conducting an investigation into corruption in football.Storrie vowed he would defend the allegations in the strongest po sible terms. He remains positive that he will be exonerated.He claimed he was on his honeymoon at the time the offences are alleged to have taken place.The charges of conspiracy to defraud the public revenue and false accounting refer to the transfer of former midfielder Amdy Faye.The transfer in particular concerns Fayes Matt Dumba Women Jersey 1.5m from French side Auxerre in August 2003.It is believed that the player was paid a 250,000 signing-on fee on which tax was unpaid.Faye left Portsmouth in January, 2005, signing a four-year deal with Newcastle. The former Senegal international is now plying his trade with Stoke City.The investigation into Storries finances was part of a bigger investigation by City of London Police and HM Revenue Customs into alleged corruption in football.Storrie was one of nine football executives questioned by police, all of who denied any wrongdoing.Former Pompey manager, Harry Redknapp, was another questioned.Redknapp and former Blues chairman, Milan Mandaric, remain on police bail in relation to the corruption inquiry.In May 2008, the 62-year-old and his wife Sandra were awarded Matt Hendricks Kids Jersey 1,000 compensation against the police.Judges held that officers who raided their home as part of the corruption inquiry were acting illegally.Their search warrant was void and the High Court said procedural failures by City of London Police in applying for it were wholly unacceptable.In a club statement, Portsmouth said: Peter Storrie would like to place on record Mike Reilly Kids Jersey his astonishment at the decision that has been made to charge him with an offence of cheating the public revenue.At the time negotiations to acquire this player were concluded, Peter Storrie was on honeymoon. Peter Storrie did not and could not have gained from any cheating of the public revenue given his role within the club.He has fully co-operated with the authorities at every stage of this 31-month investigation.Mr Storrie will defend the allegations in the strongest po sible terms and is confident that he will be exonerated not only of the allegation of cheating the public revenue, but any suggestion that anything untoward took place concerning any transfer dealings.The Luke Kunin Kids Jersey statement concluded: Mr Storrie welcomes the opportunity of clearing himself of these allegations to ensure that his unblemished 20-year reputation in football management remains untarnished. He will use all available means to bring these proceedings to their proper conclusion as swiftly as po sible.If the charges brought against Storrie are found true, the CEO could face imprisonment.