Triumphant Arsenal ease the pressure

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Triumphant Arsenal ease the pressure

Trudging home from the Emirates last night was not the depre sing experience Id built it up to be. Yes my hands were numb, everybody was tired and my throat was hoarse but we were coming out of what had been an electrifying second half to a match that many Gunners had been dreading. Arsenal fans are no strangers to criticising players (I Connor Brown Kids Jersey direct you now to the legendary YouTube video discarding van Persie which has a wonderful description of Bentner too) and after the dire display on Sunday theyd be right to. There were moments in Sundays game when the players seemed indifferent making no real effort to get the ball let alone keep it; it was one of the rare occasions Ive left the Emirates feeling Craig Anderson Women Jersey angry. So it was no surprise that the mood in the North Bank was le s than optimistic throughout the relatively dull first half, the fan beside me muttering this has got extra time written all over it as the half time whistle blew.So far the game resembled the first FA Cup draw at Swansea City, a dull first half which would hopefully lead to a more productive second half. While a goal heavy second half is desirable purely for entertainment reasons-nobody wants a dull match on a freezing night-Arsenal had had a lead in the second half of the first leg and had thrown it away, last minute, in true Arsenal style. While its slightly embarra sing that there was so little faith in the Gunners from their own fans Colin White Kids Jersey (I include myself) after a quiet January transfer wise and a run of bad results it would be hard for any Gunner to be positive. As it ended all square at half time some fans were relieved, Arsenals track record against in form Swansea was not good and after a 2-0 lo s at the Emirates in the league, even a home fixture was a worry. The team on Sunday had been described as demoralised and more harshly, not bothered about the game were a team who could quite easily take a game to penalties, thankfully that team didnt show up.The second half bought a renewed enthusiasm to the Mike Hoffman Kids Jersey Arsenal players they were inventive in the box having shot after shot on goal. The attacking flair that had been lacking in recent times had returned and the fans were up in arms, despite this the score line still remained a frustrating, 0-0. However towards the end of the match after countle s saves by a heroic Vorm that second of magic needed to produce a goal finally happened. Jack Wilshere, who had played magnificently all night finally beat the keeper to the delight of the crowd and his team mates. Wilsheres performance all night was stellar, not to sound too clichd he put in 110% to everything he did, if there was any night for Clarke MacArthur Kids Jersey Wilshere to show the fans what theyd been mi sing of late. Wilsheres performance, his work ethic and his loyalty are the reasons many people are calling him the new Mr Arsenal. Overall it was an enjoyable second half both teams were playing to score, Swansea as expected, were no pushovers and that moment of dread when the number of goal scoring Michu appeared on the substitute board was collectively felt by Arsenal fans. Despite the tenacity of their opponents Arsenal outshone Swansea and its only due to Vorm that the score line is so low. As the final whistle blew and Super Jack rang out from the stands it was hard to think that maybe, just maybe Arsenal will be okay.