Instructions for how to use Kamagra 100mg tablets

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Kamagra 100 mg is used t treat erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil is the primary ingredient of Kamagra 100.

Kamagra 100 mg is used t treat erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil is the primary ingredient of Kamagra 100. The male genital organ blood flow is improved by sildenafil to sustain physical arousal and an erection. Take Kamagra 100 mg as directed by your doctor, including the recommended dosage and time frame.

Instructions for how to use Kamagra 100 mg

You should take Kamagra 100 mg exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not cut, chew, or break the medication; instead, swallow it whole with a glass of water. Taking it with or without food. For the greatest benefits, it would be preferable if you took it at a certain time. Consume just as much as your doctor has advised.

How Does Kamagra Tablet Work?

Kamagra 100mg tablets is a PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase-5) inhibitor. It functions by allowing your genital blood vessels to relax, which increases blood flow there during physical stimulation. This aids in obtaining and maintaining a firm, erect penis fit for physical activities.

Precautions and Warnings

One should follow important rules like:

Kamagra 100 mg treats impotence Only available by prescription. Therefore, it should be handled cautiously.

  • Don't use it without a prescription.
  • Never combine it with nitrates or cardiac medicines.
  • Keep dogs and children away from it.
  • Don't use it when suffering from Serious heart problems.

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