Best Places to Study Abroad in Japan

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Japan is one of the top study abroad destinations in the world, offering students excellent education standards, a high quality of life and career development opportunities.

Despite its reputation, Japanese culture is not one size fits all and it's important to choose the best city for your study abroad experience.


Tokyo, the capital of Japan and one of Asia's largest metropolitan areas, is known for its dynamism and modernity. The city is a mix of traditional culture and modern technology, and it's also known for its vibrant cafe and street markets, Michelin-starred restaurants, and famous UNESCO world heritage sites.

It's also home to a number of international student communities, including Tokyo International University, Toyo University, Keio University, and Waseda University. These universities are renowned for their welcoming atmosphere and provide opportunities for students to explore Japan's unique culture.

If you're looking for a challenging and rewarding study abroad experience in a beautiful country, then Japan is the right place for you! This is a truly global country and it has a strong reputation for providing excellent education standards, career development opportunities, and a high quality of life.


As Japan’s old capital, Kyoto is a must-visit for students interested in studying ancient Japanese culture and tradition. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is full of awe-inspiring monuments, temples and shrines where you can gain an insight into the history and religion that made Japan what it is today.

In addition, Kyoto is a cultural center with a rich traditional arts scene. It is home to the Nishijin brocade, Kyo ningyo (dolls), and Kiyomizu porcelain that reflect the beauty of Japanese culture.

Despite the city’s size, Kyoto is relatively safe and is known for its student-friendly environment. You can find everything from all-night karaoke bars to manga and animations, gaming and entertainment centers, and an array of restaurants, including Michelin-starred options.


If you want a city that is more relaxed and less touristy than Tokyo, Osaka is a great choice. It is home to some of Japan’s top universities, a vibrant nightlife and friendly people.

Osaka is located in the Kansai region of western Japan, a place where culture and tradition still thrive. It is also one of the country’s most popular cities for international students.

It is also known for its lively down-to-earth atmosphere and hearty street food. It is a great choice for outgoing extroverts who enjoy mingling with other locals, eating at the many izakaya or just getting to know a new city.

The city has a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons. Winters are usually mild, with January being the coldest month, and summers tend to be hot and humid.


If you’re looking for a big-city experience while still gaining access to the best research facilities in Japan, Hokkaido University is the place to go. The university is one of the largest and most prestigious in the country, with over 20,000 international students studying there every year.

In addition, the city of Sapporo is surrounded by incredibly beautiful nature which makes it perfect for enjoying a summer getaway. Sapporo’s cosmopolitan feel, combined with its stunning scenery, make it an ideal place to live for any international student.

Sapporo is also home to one of the most well-known universities in Japan, Hokkaido University. This large institution boasts a wide range of majors and is known for its excellent research facilities and campus life.

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